Events and Festivals


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2025-02-11 Tuesday ThaipusamIt is celebrated as a sign of appreciation to Lord Murugan.
2025-02-26 Wednesday Maha ShivaratriMaha Shivaratri is an important Hindu festival dedicated to Lord Shiva. To commemorate the auspicious day of Maha Shivratri, devotees of Lord Shiva observe a day-long fast, stay up all night, and perform puja during Nishita Kaal.
2025-03-13 Thursday Holika DahanHolika dahan is a Hindu goddess. On the eve of Holi, The ceremony represents the triumph of good over bad. This is a festival honoring the Hindu god Vishnu and his devotee Prahlada, which celebrates the victory of good over bad.
2025-03-14 Friday HoliHoli is a Hindu festival that celebrates the coming of spring and the victory of good over bad.
2025-03-29 Saturday Hindi New YearThe Hindu New Year
2025-03-30 Sunday Ugadi / Gudi Padwa / Telugu New YearGudi Padwa is a famous Maharashtra cultural festival that takes place in the spring. This festival celebrates at the start of a new year.
2025-04-06 Sunday RamanavamiTo celebrates the birthday of Rama, the seventh avatar of the god Vishnu.
2025-04-12 Saturday Hanuman JayantiHanuman Jayanti is a Hindu religious festival that celebrates the birth of Hindu God Hanuman,
2025-04-14 Monday Tamil New YearIts Tamil New Year
2025-04-14 Monday Bengali New Year / BihuMagh Bihu, Bhogali Bihu or Maghar Domahi is a harvest festival celebrated in Assam and marks the end of the harvesting season in the region
2025-04-14 Monday Vaisakhi / Baisakhi / VishuAn annual Sikh festival commemorating Gobind Singh's establishment of the Khalsa Order in 1699.
2025-05-30 Friday Akshaya TritiyaThe festival of Akshaya Tritiya is dedicated to the Hindu god Vishnu. Devotees pray to Lord Vishnu for good fortune in their lives.
2025-06-10 Tuesday Savitri PoojaThe festival is named after Vat Savitri, the Sanskrit word for a Banyan tree, and Savitri, the woman who battled death to bring her husband back to life.
2025-06-27 Friday Puri Rath YatraThe festival of Puri Rath Yatra is dedicated to Lord Jagannath, who is considered one of the personation of Lord Vishnu. Rath Yatra, also known as Jagannath Rath Yatra, is an important festival of Hindus that takes place every year at the popular Jagannath Temple in Puri, Odisha.
2025-07-10 Thursday Guru PurnimaEvery year on the full moon day of the Hindu calendar's Shakha Samavat, commemorate. Thousands of devotees worship and praise their spiritual gurus for enlightenment at this festival, which honors the goodness of spiritual gurus and teachers.
2025-07-29 Tuesday Nag PanchamiNag Panchami is a Hindu festival commemorating the worship of snakes.
2025-08-08 Friday Varalakshmi VratIn the month of Shravana, the Vara MahaLakshmi Vrata is observed on the Second Friday, or the Friday before the day of the full moon, Poornima. a festival dedicated to the goddess Lakshmi.
2025-08-09 Saturday Raksha BandhanThis festival honors a brother's love for his sister and is held on the full moon day of the Hindu month of Sravana (July/August).
2025-08-16 Saturday Krishna JanmashtamiTo celebrates the birthday of Krishna, the eighth avatar of the god Vishnu.
2025-08-27 Wednesday Ganesh ChaturthiThe birth of Lord Ganesha, the God of new beginnings and a fresh start, is commemorated on this day every year.
2025-09-04 Thursday OnamOnam is a traditional Hindu festival in Kerala that commemorates the harvest of rice.
2025-09-17 Wednesday Vishwakarma PujaOn this day, factories and machines are worshipped; on this day, one should treat their tools with reverence and worship them; on this day, you should avoid using tools and instead worship and clean them.
2025-09-21 Sunday Mahalaya AmavasyaOn the day of Mahalaya, the goddess Durga is said to have arrived on Earth.
2025-09-22 Monday Navaratri beginsNavratri is a Hindu festival that lasts for nine nights and ten days and is celebrated every year in autumn. It is celebrated for various reasons in a different ways in different parts of the Indian cultural sphere.
2025-10-01 Wednesday Navaratri ends / Maha NavamiDurga Navami commemorates the victory of good over evil. The goddess Durga and the demon Mahishasura are fighting for the last time on this day
2025-10-02 Thursday DussheraDussehra, also known as Dasara or Vijayadashami, is a festival commemorating Rama's victory over Ravana, the demon king with ten heads.
2025-10-06 Monday Sharad PurnimaThis day is dedicated to Goddess Laxmi, who is also known as the Goddess of Abundance and Prosperity.
2025-10-09 Thursday Karwa ChauthMarried women fast from sunrise to moonrise on Karwa Chauth, particularly in North India, for their husbands protection and their long life
2025-10-18 Saturday Dhan TerasOn this day, the god of money, Kuber, is worshipped. Dhanteras is the first day of the five-day Diwali festival, when people buy gold, silver, automobiles, utensils, property, and other valuables.
2025-10-21 Tuesday DiwaliThis is a festival of fresh starts, of good won over evil, and of light won over darkness.
2025-10-23 Thursday Bhai DoojSisters pray to Yamraj for their brothers long life and happiness on this day. Bhai Dooj is a Hindu festival that honors the bond that exists between brothers and sisters, bhai_dooj, bhai_dooj
2025-10-27 Monday Chhath PujaThe festival of Chhath Puja honors the Sun God Surya and his wife Usha, also known as Chhathi Maiya. People thank Lord Surya during Chhath Puja.
2025-11-05 Wednesday Kartik PoornimaLord Shiva is said to have killed the three demons Vidyunmali, Tarakaksha, and Viryavana on this day, according to Hindu legend. The day is also known as God's Diwali.
2025-12-01 Monday Geeta JayantiThe Bhagvad Gita, Hinduism's holy book, celebrates its birthday on Gita Jayanti. On the Shukla Ekadashi, it is commemorated.
2025-12-16 Tuesday Dhanu SankrantiFor Vishnu devotees, Dhanu Sankranti is a significant day. Taking a dip in the holy rivers cleanses a person of his or her sins, and worshiping the Sun God is thought to be highly helpful.